"Every wedding has a story to share... So, how are you going to share your story so that your invited guests and friends will remember?"

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How to use the Five Senses to Plan Your Wedding Prt II

K'Mich Weddings in Philadelphia PA - How to Use the Five Senses to Plan Your Wedding-wedding planning-guests dancing - party - reception

Part II - giving your guests the best experience- What Your Guests Hear, Smell and Taste

In my last post, I spoke about appearance and its effect on an event. In this piece, I will cover the sense of sound, smell, and taste and explain how all three can affect an event. 

Now let us look at sound. Sound is a close accompaniment to sight. The change from the sound of the outdoors to the indoors can be dramatic; this impact of sound seeps through the profoundness of silence, the laughter and the chatter of guests, the lure of music, or the whimsical special effects. In that light, appropriate audio systems can ensure that speeches, announcements, and entertainment are correctly projected and well received. 

Consider, as part of your LOCATION selection, the potential for competing sounds that can detract from your wedding.

As a result, events in other rooms, such as in the kitchen or coatroom, or even sounds filtering from the road, can ruin the atmosphere you are trying to create. 

Taste and Smell are separate senses, but they affect one another. We all know that if something does not smell right, we will not try it. Conversely, if something smells particularly good, it activates all your other senses but mostly inspires your taste buds. Therefore, food and BEVERAGES play a critical role in the sensory experience. They must be plentiful and at a minimum, taste, smell, and visual appeal to add to the total experience. 
K'Mich Weddings in Philadelphia PA - wedding planning - white tulip, white roses - decoration
Additionally, FLOWERS are a powerful stimulant to our sense of smell. Who does not put our nose to a flower or bouquet when presented with one? We expect to be delighted and cannot control the inevitable “mmmm” that escapes from our lips. Flowers please our sense of sight, but it is our sense of smell that they take prisoner.

On the other hand, heavily scented flowers can be overpowering and a short while, unappealing.

They can also compete with the smell of food that you plan on serving. Your nose becomes confused, and nothing smells good. These scents you use should have a pleasant balance or place in very separate areas of your event. Further, I would also like to caution you of unpleasant odors. Hopefully, you to have the nose to sniff out these problem areas when you check out a sight for your venue.
 Nothing is quite as repellent as odors wafting from a cow pasture into your outdoor soiree. This illustration is not the best, but bad scents can happen indoors too.

For example, garbage cans, disposals, bathrooms, and sewers can all conspire to invade your event. Take the time to plan everything carefully, and you will successfully avoid the many potential pitfalls that could interfere with your engagement party or your wedding.
Read Prt III- Touch

About the author: Keren Michele, CEP, leads the planning team at K’Mich Event Planning & Consulting. With a flair for creativity in organizing one-of-a-kind weddings and events, she is passionate about providing valuable ideas for couples as they plan their special day.

P. S. - Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you with your planning.

  1. Phone consultation: These are thirty minutes long and focus on asking you questions about what you hope to achieve for your wedding soirée.

  2. Wedding Day Management (Day-of Service): Couples can utilize this service for last-minute planning or to tie up loose ends. 

  3. Partial Wedding Planning: This is for the couple who wants to maintain control of the wedding but need a little help with bringing everything together. 


  1. Ha! I hired a wedding planner to do EVERYTHING for me when it came to my wedding. I told her to tell me the time and the place and I would be there, LOL!

    1. I like that. Thanks for visiting and reading this article. Please share.

  2. I have never thought about the ambiance before when it comes to a wedding. But that is because I didn't go too many and I am not married yet. But indeed, the wedding venue should smell lovely.

    1. I am glad you found this article informative. Thanks for visiting and reading this article. Please share.

  3. I wish I would have seen this when I was planning my wedding! It was so stressful at times and I could have used some tips and advice to not over stress myself.

    1. Sorry to hear that. I hope it turned out well, though. Maybe you could try again on your anniversary? What do you think? Thanks for visiting and reading this article.

  4. This is helpful for those planning a wedding! I never had to plan one since I got married in a courthouse, so I don't know much about this.

    1. Congrats! I am glad you found this helpful. Thanks for visiting and reading. Please share.

  5. Wedding planning is certainly a difficult task and it's really important to think of your guests for sure. I even didn't think that their senses may occur to be so important! I'll use your tips if I ever get married! :)

    1. I am glad you found this information helpful and plan on using them one day. Thanks very much for visiting and reading. Please share.

  6. This is wonderful post. Weddings should always center around the five senses as they help record the memories.

    1. Absolutely. I am glad you found this informative. Please share. Thanks for visiting and reading.

  7. These are some fantastic ideas that I never considered for my wedding. At least smell was not on the list at all but see, hear and taste were.

    1. Thank you! I am glad you found this informative; I hope you share. Thanks for visiting and reading.

  8. Yes, spot on. I had lilies at my wedding and they were awful. I still can't stand the smell 20 plus years later.

    1. I am smiling... I try not to place strong smelling flowers as centerpieces because of that. Guests will not be able to enjoy their meals or have a good time because of this. Usually, I placed floral arrangements on an angle (buffet) and raise them so that they are not too close to the guest's food or under their noses. Thanks for sharing your experience and reading.

  9. Our wedding, looked nice, smelled nice, tasted nice, but oh, the music. We had hired a DJ and his cds skipped and he got drunk towards the end and started singing along to the songs on his microphone. We didn't even have a bar because my husband and I went to a Christian college at the time and drinking was something that could get us in trouble. The DJ had to go to the bar at the restaurant or pack his own drinks. He actually kept trying to hit on my mom.

    Despite all of that, it was still a great wedding and we had a lot of fun.

    1. Sorry to hear that. A DJ should never act the way he did. This was unprofessional of him. I hope he gave you some of your money back. Aside from that, I am glad you had fun on your day. Thanks for visiting and sharing your experience.
      Please share.

  10. I love seeing and smelling flowers at a wedding. And, there’s nothing worse than being seated next to a huge garbage can while trying to eat during the reception.

    1. This is true. Planners should make sure that trash bins are far away from guest's seating arrangement. This is very distracting for both bride/groom and guests alike. All bins should be in the back away from guests view; this is where the wait-staff comes in - clearing plates and taking them to the back... Thanks for visiting and sharing your experience. Please share.

  11. This is a really interesting approach to wedding planning!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Thanks for visiting and reading this article. Please share.

  12. Wow, I never realized wedding planning could get so complicated! Good thing there are posts like this to help people out!

  13. Yes, it can get very complicated and at time stressful. Thanks for visiting and reading this article. Please share.

  14. This is a great way to plan a wedding. I'll have to consider this when planning our vow renewal ceremony.

    1. If you need any help, call us or send us an email and we will try and help you where we can. Thanks for visiting and sharing this article.

  15. My mom always stresses how important scent is when planning any kind of event. I used fresh peaches and apricots as centerpieces at my wedding, and it looked and smelled wonderful.

    1. I know it did... great centerpiece idea. Thanks for visiting and sharing this article.

  16. Smart idea to check for scents. When we lived up north everything was fine in the winter for smells, but in the early Spring the farmers would fertilize and it would STINK for miles. I always felt bad for those people who bought homes near that and didn't realize.

    1. I can imagine. Summer weddings are the ones we need to pay more attention to due to the heat. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  17. what fabulous ideas. I will remember this when I plan my daughter's wedding. I especially like the part about taste and smell. You are so right that it activates the other senses.

    1. Thank you. Tell your daughter congrats on her engagement and all the best in her new life. Yes, if something does not smell right, we most definitely will not try it. Same if it does not look great. All our senses interact with each other, which cause us to react. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  18. These are really nice tips to consider when planning for the big day! I got married 7 years ago, but I never even thought about the competing smell of flowers and food.

    1. Congrats! If you should think about vow renewal, you have this has your guide. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  19. This is some really great insight on how to plan a wedding. I have never had to so this would be so good!

    1. Thank you! Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  20. It is definitely important to think about what your guests will experience when planning a wedding. I love the idea of using the 5 senses to plan a wedding. We had fake flowers which was great because that means our wedding did not have a heavy floral smell and we got to keep our flowers. I think we took into account the smell sense.

    1. Absolutely. Silk flowers are always the best way to go if you are unsure of the scent of the flowers you have in mind. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share

  21. When someone pays so much attention to pleasing all the senses and creating a nice atmosphere for your event, you know that you are in the right hands.

    1. Thank you! This should be included in planning any event. Thanks for sharing your feedback and visiting. Please share.

  22. You are a wedding expert! Love this! Now I just need to find a man!

    1. Thank you! Don't rush it. Take time to know and understand you before getting in a relationship. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback.

  23. I never thought about the different scents and how they can counteract with one another. A friend is getting married, would love to share this with her.

    1. Absolutely. Your senses compete with each other for dominance. So, having a balance will definitely help. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share this with her. Oh, tell her congrats on her engagement and all the best in her new life.

  24. Wedding planning can be a total stresser!! Great way to break it down and make it doable for people!

    1. Thank you for seeing that. We appreciate your visit and your feedback. Please share.

  25. What a great idea! I've never really thought about using my senses while planning a wedding! This is practical advice for any event planning.

    1. Thank you. We try to give relevant information to any DIY planners who need that extra help. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  26. I'm shortly getting married, but I don't have any pans to go this big about it.

    1. Congrats! This is where you are wrong. It does not matter if it's small or big, you still need to make sure your guests enjoy and remember even after your wedding day. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Send us an email if you need any additional help.

  27. This is such a nice way to take a step back and figure things out. It really helps to think outside of the box too!

    1. Thank you! We try to always think outside the box with all our brides. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  28. This is great information for couples planning on getting married. Planning a wedding can be a headache.

    1. It absolutely can. Thanks for sharing your feedback and visiting. Please share.

  29. This is a great point, to consider the senses. It is hard enough planning so simple tips help

    1. Thank you. It's always good to capture all five senses when planning an event. This leaves your guests wanting more and remembering even after. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  30. This is great reminder. The wedding is about the bride and groom but you want it to be memorable for all. By using all their senses, you create lasting memories!

    1. Absolutely. The wedding is about both the bride and groom, at the same time, you want your guests to enjoy the moment and remember even after the big day. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  31. Many people don't consider the sounds of smell when they are planning a wedding so this is such an eye opening post

    1. Thank you. Planning an event can be stressful, especially if you have other things going on in your lives. I am glad you found this article eye opening. Thanks for visiting and sharing feedback. Please share.

  32. These are all extremely important when it comes to weddings. After reading this, I will so be in control of what the guest would feel. Guarantee, this will help the wedding to be more successful.

    1. You are welcome. And, congrats on your upcoming nuptials. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share

  33. I guess being able to know prior the wedding what the guests must feel is brilliant. It gets you to prepare properly. This is a mountain of great help.

    1. Thank you. We appreciate you visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share

  34. How does the say go, the ceremony is for you and the reception for your guests. I think it's important to remember that not everyone likes super loud music or overly fragranced flowers. It's best to create an atmosphere for everyone.

    1. Absolutely, creating a balance is key to planning the perfect wedding. You want your guests to remember everything about the big day, long after.Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share

  35. Very well written article, for event these tips are very helpful.

    1. Thank you. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  36. Indeed such a great compilation about wedding planning. This should be shared to those who are planning to get married so they have already an idea what wedding is all about.

    1. Thank you. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share

  37. This is such a great post loaded with valuable info. I am going to share with my sister who is getting ready to start planning her wedding! Thank you :)

  38. You are welcome. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  39. Bindu Thomas04:51

    This is such a great post! I wish if I know this 7 years ago. I will share this to my cousin.

    1. Thank you. If, you plan on doing your vow renewal, you can use these tips to help you along the way. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. And, thanks for sharing this with your cousin.

  40. I am actually impressed as I never though about planning a wedding with senses in mind, how very cool

    1. Thank you. We are always trying to do things different when it comes to our clients/brides. We think that including the five senses will create a unique experience for both bride/groom and guests. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share

  41. This is really helpful for those who are planning for a wedding.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback. Please share.

  42. These are such great ideas to incorporate what everyone would see, smell, hear etc. I never really think about this when planning something.

    1. Thank you. Yes, we tend to overlook these areas, which should always be included in any type of planning - weddings, party, birthday, etc. Thanks for visiting and sharing your feedback.


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